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Autor/inRansom, Julia C.
TitelIntersectional care for Black boys in an alternative school.
They really care about us.
QuelleLanham, Maryland: Lexington Books (2019), XX, 138 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheRace and education in the twenty-first century
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterUSA; African American boys; Education; Social aspects; Alternative schools; United States; Intersectionality (Sociology); Racism in education; African Americans; Race identity; Erziehung
AbstractOn black boys and the importance of care -- The ethic of care -- Authentic vs. aesthetic care -- Culturally responsive pedagogy and caring -- Critical caring -- Care through intersectionality -- Vulnerable and disconnected with a story to tell -- The barriers black boys face in schooling -- About the study -- Study locale: midcoast city -- The school site -- Educational context at achieveed -- The students and their teacher -- College and career readiness class -- About the researcher -- Uncaring spaces and places -- Absence of care: past high school experiences -- Personal and social battles -- Conflicts and turmoil -- Disengaged, disregarded, and invisible -- Finding a new path -- The intersectionality of care for young black men -- Intersectionality and being a young black man in the school and the city -- Approaches to identity -- Neutral stance or rejection of stereotypes?: a unique case -- Identity, privilege, and oppression in the classroom -- Identity, privilege, and oppression permeable borders -- Intersectional identities, care, and student-teacher relationships -- Intersectional care and feeling the love -- Acknowledging the intersections of self and students -- The ethic of care and authentic care through care-based education strategies -- Cultural, social, and political positionality: culturally responsive practices -- The presence of care: feeling the love with intersectional care -- Conclusion: the implications of intersectionality and care for black males -- The theoretical and practical notion of intersectional care -- Black boys, opportunity gaps, and equitable education -- Reflections on care for black boys, and girls. "This book explores the possibilities that exist within educational spaces for Black male students when teachers care for these students while also acknowledging the intersectionality of Black male identity and the potential oppression and resilience that they experience as the result"--Provided by author.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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