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Autor/inGumport, Patricia J.
TitelAcademic fault lines.
The rise of industry logic in public higher education.
QuelleBaltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press (2019), XVI, 526 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781421429724; 9781421429731 (elektronisch); 1421429721; 142142973X (elektronisch)
SchlagwörterUSA; Public universities and colleges; United States; Education, Higher; Aims and objectives; Philosophy; Administration; Industrial efficiency; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractPoints of departure -- Conceptual and empirical anchors: studying institutional change -- Built to serve -- State-level expectations -- Forces converging to advance industry logic -- Beyond the demand-response scenario -- Harmonizing educational identities -- Reconciling competing mandates -- Persevering through strategic necessities -- In pursuit of excellence -- Pursuing priorities and striving for state-of-the-art -- Managing for legitimacy: moving beyond academic fault lines. "Gumport chronicles the rise of "industry logic," as a departure from "social institution logic," in public higher education in the latter twentieth century. Industry logic refers to colleges restructuring for financial efficiency and developing more ties with industry. Since the 1970s, increased public scrutiny and demands for accountability have pushed colleges to become more corporatized and privatized. Gumport's sociological analysis is grounded in data from nine in-depth case studies that span three sectors of public higher education"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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