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Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenGunnlaugson, Olen (Hrsg.)
TitelCatalyzing the field.
Second-person approaches to contemplative learning and inquiry.
QuelleAlbany: State University of New York Press (2019), XXIV, 235 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781438472836; 9781438472843 (E-Book)
SchlagwörterAmtliche Druckschrift; Transformative learning; Case studies; Fallstudie; Reflective learning; Contemplation; Intersubjectivity; Mindfulness (Psychology); Education, Higher; Psychological aspects; College teaching; Erziehung
AbstractIntroduction : catalyzing the field : second person approaches to contemplative learning / Olen Gunnlaugson, Charles Scott, Heesoon Bai, and Edward W. Sarath -- Mindfulness in education : contemplative inquiry in a community of learners / Kathryn Byrnes, and Jessica S. Caron -- Meditating together, speaking from silence : the theory and practice of interpersonal mindfulness / Nancy Waring -- Intersubjectivity in the holistic teaching of the sociology of religion at Glendon College in Toronto / Véronique Tomaszewski -- Being with horses as a practice of the self-with-others : a case of getting a FEEL for teaching / Stephen Smith and Karen LaRochelle -- A disciplined practice of collaboratively working on teaching as contemplative professional practice / Thomas Falkenberg and Michael Link -- Awakening to wholeness : aikido as an embodied praxis of intersubjectivity / Michael A. Gordon -- Self, other, and the system / Ian Macnaughton -- Walking steps : contemplative wanderings with humanbecoming / Deborah Sally Thoun, Ann Bruce, and Coby Tschanz -- Contemplative learning : a second-person approach to physical fitness / Sally K. Severino and M. Andrew Garrison -- Teaching creativity and building community in the undergraduate classroom : self-awareness, empathy and character through relational and contemplative practice / Sean Park -- A three-tiered monastic approach to intersubjective dialogue for application within higher education / Mary Keator -- No mind in community : cultivating "fields in good heart" in an intellectual and professional praxis-enhancing commons / Arden Henley.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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