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Autor/inWurdinger, Scott D.
TitelChanging the status quo.
Courage to challenge the education system.
QuelleLanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield (2018), XIV, 83 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781475840766; 9781475840773; 9781475840780 (elektronisch)
SchlagwörterUSA; Educational change; United States; Education; Effect of technological innovations on; Racism in education; Bildungsgeschichte
AbstractCourage and the status quos -- Status quos -- Assessment -- Technology -- Racial discrimination -- Battling the assessment monster: status quo one -- Problems with multiple-choice testing -- Opting-out -- National council for accreditation of teacher education -- Old and new assessments -- Experiential learning and performance -- Letting students take charge of their education -- From students to leaders -- The tidal wave of technology: status quo two -- Pros and cons of technology -- General barriers in education -- Powerpoint presentations -- MOOCs -- How technology is changing us -- Stories from the field: status quo number three -- Howard Fuller -- Deborah Mcgriff -- Tony Simmons -- Dawn Chavous -- Final thoughts -- Perseverance is the key to success -- Get as much experience as possible -- Listen to your gut and stand up for what is right -- Look for other avenues -- Build meaningful relationships -- Don't let the system hold you down. "Assessment, technology, and racial discrimination are three status quos that negatively impact the way educators teach and how students learn. The education system must change and courage is required to speak out against ideas and practices that do not work so we can improve learning for all students"--Provided by author.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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