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Sonst. PersonenBlessinger, Patrick (Hrsg.); Cozza, Barbara (Hrsg.)
InstitutionInternational Higher Education Teaching and Learning Association
TitelUniversity partnerships for international development.
QuelleBingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing Limited (2017), XII, 270 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheInnovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. 8
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781786353023; 1786353024
SchlagwörterUniversity cooperation; Universities and colleges; International cooperation; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractPioneering approaches in university partnerships : an introduction to university partnerships for international development / Barbara Cozza and Patrick Blessinger -- Educating global citizens through international partnerships for social justice / Kati Bell -- Project Aspire : engaging students and faculty in extra curricula activities to support enterprise and entrepreneurship teaching / Mike Clements and Leila Abboud -- International service-learning partnerships between higher educational institutions and governments : a case study / James S. Guseh -- International collaborations and global engagement : NGOs/IGOs and universities looking to make an impact beyond the classroom / Warren Haffar and Sandra Crenshaw -- Capitalizing on SME green innovation capabilities : lessons from Irish-Welsh collaborative innovation learning network / Denis Harrington, Margaret Walsh, Eleanor Owens, David John Joyner, Morag McDonald, Gareth Griffiths, Evelyn Doyle and Patrick Lynch -- From Lancelot to Lapland : implications of engaged rural universities / Heidi Hodge, Dean Carson, Peter Berggren and Roger Strasser -- Reaching across borders : a university-private sector partnership in building capacity for health services in rural Mexico / Toni A. Knott -- The ethics of university and indigenous research partnerships / Lynn F. Lavallée and Lana A. Leslie -- Building capacity in the Zambian mental health workforce through engaging college educators : evaluation of a development partnership in higher education (DelPHe) project / William J. Penson, Kate Karban, Sarah Patrick, Bryony C. L. Walker, Rosemary Ng'andu, Annel Chishimba Bowa and Edward Mbewe -- Enhancing learning through community-based partnership / Nicholas Rademacher and Alia Sheety -- One health / Christina Dokter, Reza Nassiri and James Trosko -- Learn by doing : faculty-led short-term study abroad : designing and developing experiences / Cindy B. Damschroder.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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