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Autor/inTough, Paul
TitelHelping children succeed.
What works and why.
QuelleBoston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2016), 125 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9780544935280 (gebundene Ausgabe); 0544935284 (gebundene Ausgabe)
SchlagwörterUSA; Early childhood education; United States; Success in children; BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Decision-Making & Problem Solving; EDUCATION / Educational Policy & Reform; PSYCHOLOGY; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology; Erziehung
AbstractAdversity -- Strategies -- Skills -- Stress -- Parents -- Trauma -- Neglect -- Early intervention -- Attachment -- Home visiting -- Beyond the home -- Building blocks -- Discipline -- Incentives -- Motivation -- Assessment -- Messages -- Mindsets -- Relationships -- Pedagogy -- Challenge -- Deeper learning -- Solutions. In his 2012 book How Children Succeed, journalist Paul Tough introduced us to research showing that personal qualities like perseverance, self-control, and conscientiousness play a critical role in children's success. Now Tough takes on a new set of pressing questions: What does growing up in poverty do to children's mental and physical development? How does adversity at home affect their success in the classroom, from preschool to high school? And what practical steps can the adults who are responsible for them -- from parents and teachers to policy makers and philanthropists -- take to improve their chances for a positive future? Tough once again encourages us to think in a brand new way about the challenges of childhood. Rather than trying to "teach" skills like grit and self-control, he argues, we should focus instead on creating the kinds of environments, both at home and at school, in which those qualities are most likely to flourish.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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