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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenBarnes, Nicole (Hrsg.); Fives, Helenrose (Hrsg.)
TitelCases of teachers' data use.
QuelleNew York, NY: Routledge (2018), XVI, 198 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781138056398; 9781138056404; 9781315165370
SchlagwörterUSA; Educational statistics; Statistik; Case studies; Fallstudie; United States; Academic achievement; Data processing; Curriculum planning; Individualized instruction; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractContext for data use and the emergence of promising practices / Andrea Conklin Bueschel -- Teachers' practice based data use strategies / Helenrose Fives and Nicole Barnes -- Following the path of greatest persistence : sensemaking, data use, and the everyday practice of teaching / Carolyn J. Riehl, Hester Earle, Pavithra Nagarajan, Tara E. Schwitzman, and Laura Vernikoff -- Using a learning trajectory to make sense of student work for instruction / Caroline B. Ebby -- From focusing on grades to exploring student thinking : a case study of change in assessment practice / Stephanie Rafanelli, Hilda Borko, Matthew Kloser, and Matthew Wilsey -- Using data meaningfully to teach for understanding in middle school science / Melissa Braaten, Chris Bradford, Sadie Fox Barocas, and Kathryn L. Kirchgasler -- Using standardized test data as a starting point for inquiry : a case of thoughtful compliance / Brette Garner and Ilana Horn -- Beyond matchmaking: considering aims for teacher data use / Margaret Evans, Priya LaLonde, Nora Gannon-Slater, Hope Crenshaw, Rebecca Teasdale, Jennifer Green, and Thomas Schwandt -- Moving beyond academic achievement : using non-academic data to identify and support struggling students / Tammy Kolbe, Katharine G. Shepherd, and Jonathan Sessions -- "Everyone's responsibility" : effective team collaboration and data use / Amanda Datnow, Vicki Park, and Bailey Choi -- Adjustment in practice : a critical response to data-driven instruction / Nora M. Isacoff, Dana Karin, and Joseph P. McDonald -- Promising practices for data use for literacy and language development of kindergarten students / Tonya R. Moon, Catherine M. Brighton, Jordan M. Buckrop, Kerrigan Mahoney, and Marcia A. Invernizzi.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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