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Sonst. PersonenCrompton, Helen (Hrsg.); Traxler, John (Hrsg.)
TitelMobile learning and higher education.
Challenges in context.
QuelleNew York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (2018), XI, 210 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781138238763; 9781138238770; 9781315296739
SchlagwörterCase studies; Fallstudie; Internet in higher education; Education, Higher; Effect of technological innovations on; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
AbstractThe iPad six years on : progress and problems for enhancing mobile learning with special reference to fieldwork education / W. Brian Whalley, Alice L. Mauchline, Derek France, Julian Park, and Katharine Welsh -- Mainstreaming mobile learning in journalism education / Thomas D. Cochrane, Helen A. Sissons, and Danielle L. Mulrennan -- Creating time and responsive dimensions in science with mobile technology / Martin P. Khechara and Sara C. Smith -- Augmented reality and mobile learning : theoretical foundations and implementation / Andrew T. Greenwood and Minjuan Wang -- Improving assessment and feedback through virtual reality mobile learning, for higher degree apprentices' in the workplace / Katharine E. Jewitt -- A glimpse into mobile learning in open distance learning (South Africa) / Thulile P. Shandu -- The death of "mobile learning" / Ian Glover and Helen Rodger -- Online students' perspectives of connectivity, navigation, and experiences with mobile devices / Billie Jean Holubz -- Integrating mobile technologies for learning : thoughts from educators who followed the 12 apps of Christmas @DIT course / Frances M. Boylan -- Mainstreaming mobile teaching innovation in a resource constrained context : changing access--shifting practice / Cheryl Brown, Genevieve Haupt, and Aditi Hunma -- Mobile learning transformation in a national higher education system / Cathy Cavanaugh, Jace Hargis -- Kakaotalk meets the ministry of education : mobile learning in South Korean higher education / Michael S. Gallagher -- Emancipating education in craft apprenticeships using mlearning / Jim G. French and Barry J. Ryan -- Mobile learning and social studies higher education : a thematic review of recent research / Mark M. Diacopoulos -- Cultures of mobile learning : a review of learning effectiveness in mobile-rich classrooms / Michael Stevenson, Kumaran Rajaram, and John Hedberg.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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