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Autor/inPomante, Luigiaurelio
Sonst. PersonenPomante, Luigiaurelio, (Mitarb.)
TitelBetween history and historiography.
Research on contemporary Italian university. (Enth.:)
Einheitssachtitel: Works.; Selections.
QuelleMacerata: EUM (2014), 176 S.Verfügbarkeit 
ReiheBiblioteca di "History of education & children's literature. 9
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9788860564207; 8860564204
SchlagwörterItalien; Universities and colleges; History; Italy; 20. Jahrhundert; 19. Jahrhundert; Bildungsgeschichte
AbstractResearch papers written originally in English and presented at international confrences and seminars about the history and historiography of higher education and European universities. Each of them is aimed to illustrate certain aspects and features of the Italian univesity system in the last two centuries"--Page 7. The peculiarities of the Italian university system -- The rise of e-learning in the Italian university system between the creation of on-line universities and the innovation of the educational processes in traditioinal universities (2003-2013) -- The university as a historiographical problem -- Preserving memory.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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