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Sonst. PersonenDesjardins, Michel Robert (Hrsg.); Benham Rennick, Joanne (Hrsg.)
TitelThe world is my classroom.
International learning and Canadian higher education.
QuelleToronto: University of Toronto Press (2013), XVI, 251 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781442647756; 9781442615823
SchlagwörterKanada; International education; Canada; Education, Higher; International cooperation; Education and globalization; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract"International education and learn-abroad programs have received heightened interest in the knowledge economy, and universities are keen to create successful programs for students. The World Is My Classroom presents diverse perspectives on these experiential learning programs and ways of globalizing Canadian classrooms. Examining themes such as global education, global citizenship, and service learning, it sheds light on current debates that are of concern for faculty members, administrators, international partners, and students alike.; The World Is My Classroom is the first book to examine pedagogical questions about the internationalization and globalization of higher education from an explicitly Canadian perspective. It features original reflections from students on their experiences in learn-abroad programs, as well a foreword by Craig and Marc Kielburger, founders of Free the Children and Me to We, on the benefits of international learning experiences. Universities considering developing, enhancing, and refining their learning abroad programs, as well as students considering these programs and experiences, will find this an insightful and useful book."--pub. desc.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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