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Autor/inCarne, Lisa
TitelNatural curiosity.
Educating and nurturing our children at home.
QuelleLondon: Jessica Kingsley Publishers (2016), 176 S.Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBiografie; USA; Carne, Lisa; Home schooling; United States; Philosophy; Natural history; Geschichte; Study and teaching; Environmental education; Education; Parent participation; Erziehung
AbstractNurture through nature -- Born free -- So why aren't they in school? -- What are we thinking? -- Slow down, switch off and seek adventure -- "Please, Sir, may we have some more natural history?" -- Goodbye school, hello world -- Mother Nature...and we should, in abundance -- Human nature...a different kettle of fish -- The dead zoo and other curiosities -- An environment to learn -- Time for a little inspiration -- The importance of play and friendships -- Parenting wisdom & social tact -- Time flies -- Character building. "Natural Curiosity is a warm and contemplative insight into one family's experience of moving from mainstream schooling to home education, and learning through the lens of nature and natural history. Since becoming 'unschooled,' the two children have thrived on a diet of self-directed play and learning, amassing life skills, confidence, responsibility, and a vast array of knowledge along the way. This thoughtful book touches upon important themes in education and environmentalism, such as children's rights in schooling, the use and place of technology in learning, and the absence of the natural world in mainstream education. It gives a considered, balanced view of home schooling, interspersed with entertaining tales including constructing life-sized mammoth skeletons and living for a day as historically accurate Vikings. It offers an understanding of how this type of education works and what inspires the choice to pursue it"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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