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Autor/inMinahan, Jessica
TitelThe behavior code companion.
Strategies, tools, and interventions for supporting students with anxiety-related or oppositional behaviors.
QuelleCambridge, Mass.: Harvard Education Press (2014), VII, 276 S.Verfügbarkeit 
BeigabenIllustrationen; Literaturangaben
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781612507521; 1612507522; 9781612507514; 1612507514
SchlagwörterUSA; Mentally ill children; Education; United States; Children with mental disabilities; Classroom management; School discipline; Teacher-student relationships; Erziehung
AbstractIntroduction -- Cracking the code: embracing a new perspective on behavior -- The FAIR behavior intervention plan: practicing the fundamentals -- Key interventions for successfully supporting students -- "Get away from me!": strategies and interventions for students with anxiety-related behaviors -- "You're not the boss of me!": strategies and interventions for students with oppositional behavior -- Creating FAIR behavior intervention plans -- Tools for monitoring progress and implementation. Building on the success of The Behavior Code, Minahan provides an essential guide for educators seeking additional help in supporting students with mental health disorders. She leads readers step-by-step through the creation of successful intervention plans, as well as strategies and tools that can be customized for your students.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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