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Autor/inn/enZuber-Skerritt, Ortrun; Fletcher, Margaret; Kearney, Judith
TitelProfessional learning in higher education and communities.
Towards a new vision for action research.
QuelleLondon: Palgrave Macmillan (2015)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege teachers; In-service training; Professional learning communities; Action research in education; EDUCATION / Experimental Methods; EDUCATION / Higher; EDUCATION / Professional Development; POLITICAL SCIENCE / Civics & Citizenship; PSYCHOLOGY / Neuropsychology; Bildungstheorie; Bildungspraxis
Abstract-- PART I: PROFESSIONAL LEARNING THROUGH CRITICAL REFLECTION1. Conceptual Framework 2. Professional Learning 3. Critical Reflection 4. Action Research PART II: CASE STUDIES IN HIGHER EDUCATION AND COMMUNITIES 5. Professional Learning with Academics: Case Studies from South Africa 6. Professional Learning with Community Leaders: Case Studies from Six African Countries 7. Professional Learning through University-Community Partnerships in Australia PART III: IMPLICATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 8. Professional Learning through an Action Research Thesis 9. Conclusions and Critical Reflections.. "This book challenges the current thrust of neoliberalism and economic managerialism by unfolding a new vision of participatory action learning and action research (PALAR) as a philosophy, methodology, and theory of learning and the facilitation process. The focus is on professional learning conceived as being participatory, collaborative, holistic and transformative, particularly through critical reflection and an affective-socio-cognitive approach. In a unique new approach, Professional Learning in Higher Education and Communities adopts a novel integration of social science with neuroscience to explain the processes and significance of PALAR. This provides the basis for justifying PALAR as an effective way to collaboratively achieve positive change, sustainable development and social justice, based on human agency and democratic values, for the common good and thus a better world for all. This book itself is testament to the critical reflection and affective-socio-cognitive approach that it advocates"--Provided by publisher.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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