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Autor/inFreire, Paulo
TitelPedagogy of commitment.
Paulo Freire.
QuelleBoulder, CO ; London: Paradigm Publishers (2014)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
ISBN9781594519727; 9781612053493
SchlagwörterCritical pedagogy; Erziehung
AbstractArgentina -- Paulo Freire's presence at the Universidad Nacional of San Luís -- Speech : I feel happy and challenged -- Seminars on critical pedagogy : Critical pedagogy practice -- Elements of the educative situation -- The struggle never ends, but is reinvented : participants' questions and Paulo Freire's answers -- Media interview : The confrontation is not pedagogical, but rather political -- Chile -- Interviews with Boris Bezena -- Not afraid of loving -- Educating for freedom -- Nicaragua -- Manifest -- Years of Sandinista popular revolution -- Paraguay -- Dialoguing with Paulo Freire seminar -- Popular education in Latin America : contextualization and possibilities within transition processes -- Debate -- Popular education in Paraguay : our questions to Freire -- Uruguay -- Interviews -- On education, politics, and religion -- Dialogue about education, television, and social change.
Erfasst vonLibrary of Congress, Washington, DC
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