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Autor/inn/enArgyle, Elaine; Bolton, Gillie
TitelArt in the Community for Potentially Vulnerable Mental Health Groups
QuelleIn: Health Education, 105 (2005) 5, S.340-354 (15 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterHealth Promotion; Art Therapy; Psychotherapy; Mental Health Programs; Community Health Services; Social Support Groups; Outcomes of Treatment; Group Therapy; Program Effectiveness; Art Education; Qualitative Research; Interviews; Participant Satisfaction; Foreign Countries
AbstractPurpose: Drawing on literature and the evaluation of a UK community Arts in Health project, this article aims first to demonstrate that, in spite of the common association in mental health practice between art and the use of psychotherapeutic techniques, involvement in art creation can, in itself, have a sustained and positive impact on the mental and social wellbeing of participants and, second, to give an analysis of the different forms of arts involvement in health. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative evaluation of a successful process-based arts in health-care provision to existing vulnerable mental health community groups is discussed. Findings: While the implementation of traditional forms of art therapy tends to be the preserve of those with specialist training, process-orientated art for health projects have been found to be more versatile and are developments in which many practitioners potentially play an important part. Arts in Health provision in a community setting can offer positive health benefits, and aid health promotion. Practical implications: More widespread, sustained funding and further evaluation and research for this accessible, cost-effective means of health promotion in a community setting are needed. Originality/value: Arts in Health, in institutions (such as prison and hospital) as well as community, is a rapidly expanding, successful and attractive, yet severely under-funded provision. Descriptive in-depth evaluations and critical analyses of the field, such as that presented here, need to be made available in order to develop the field practically and theoretically. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenEmerald. 875 Massachusetts Avenue 7th Floor, Cambridge, MA 02139. Tel: 888-622-0075; Fax: 617-354-6875; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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