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Autor/inn/enMerrill, Edward C.; und weitere
TitelSuppression of Irrelevant Location Information by Individuals with and without Mental Retardation.
QuelleIn: American Journal on Mental Retardation, 99 (1994) 2, S.207-14Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterCognitive Processes; Mental Retardation; Spatial Ability; Young Adults
AbstractNegative priming in a location task was examined for 30 individuals (mean age 18 and 19 years) either with or without mental retardation. In contrast to results obtained using identification tasks, all subjects exhibited interference to locating the target in the negative priming condition. All individuals apparently actively suppressed response tendencies to the location of irrelevant information. (Author/DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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