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Autor/inn/enStorey, Valerie A.; Wagner, Aimee; Jones, Gina
TitelThe Role of Meet Sessions and Breakout Rooms in Creating a Doctoral Learning Community: A Sequential Mixed Methods Study
QuelleIn: Education Leadership Review, 23 (2022) 1, S.34-54 (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterMeetings; Doctoral Students; College Faculty; Online Courses; Educational Technology; Student Attitudes; Teacher Attitudes; Doctoral Programs; Communities of Practice; Videoconferencing; Program Effectiveness
AbstractThe problem of Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) doctoral student attrition has led institutions to explore solutions to support doctoral students' program completion. According to Tinto's model of institutional departure, students' social and academic integration must be addressed to increase retention. Additionally, Astin's student involvement theory purports that the effectiveness of an engagement strategy is dependent upon the program's ability to increase the amount of time and level of commitment of students. In VLE programs, personal interactions are limited. The purpose of this sequential mixed-methods study is to examine the perceptions of doctoral students and doctoral teaching faculty of weekly voluntary Zoom meet sessions utilizing breakout rooms in VLE doctoral programs. Data were collected from (1) 50 doctoral students (75.8%); (2) 31 (24.4% doctoral faculty teaching online; and (3) a focus group consisting of the Doctoral Students Association (DSA) leadership team. The results indicated that the implementation of a voluntary weekly meet session and the utilization of breakout rooms could facilitate the development of a DLC. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenInternational Council of Professors of Educational Leadership. Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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