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Autor/inOsler, James Edward
TitelThe Psychological Efficacy of Education as a Science through Personal, Professional, and Contextual Inquiry of the Affective Learning Domain
QuelleIn: Journal on Educational Psychology, 6 (2013) 4, S.36-41 (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAffective Objectives; Psychometrics; Mixed Methods Research; Qualitative Research; Statistical Analysis; Data Analysis; Holistic Approach; Inquiry; Science Education; Science Instruction; Teaching Methods; Scientific Methodology; Scientists; Investigations; Educational Psychology; Research Methodology
AbstractThis monograph provides a psychological rational for the novel field of "Educational Science" and how it conducts in-depth research investigations first presented in an article by the author in the i-manager's "Journal on Mathematics" through the trichotomous analysis of the affective domain. Educational Science uses the innovative Total Transformative Trichotomy-Squared [Tri-Squared] Test as a means of informative inquiry. This novel approach to data analysis is a mixed methods research design that involves the holistic combination and comparison of qualitative and quantitative data. An example is provided of the process of creating trichotomous instruments that are an essential part of the Tri-Squared Test. (As Provided).
Anmerkungeni-manager Publications. 3-343 Hill View, Town Railway Nagar, Nagercoil 629001, Tamil Nadu, India. Tel: +91-4652-276675; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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