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Autor/inn/enWalker, Bridget; Clancy, Michaela; Tsai, Shu-Fei; Cheney, Doug
TitelBridging the Research-to-Practice Gap: Empowering Staff to Implement Meaningful Program Evaluation and Improvement to Better Serve Students with Emotional or Behavioral Disorders
QuelleIn: Beyond Behavior, 22 (2013) 3, S.3-14 (12 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEmotional Disturbances; Behavior Disorders; Theory Practice Relationship; Evidence; Feedback (Response); Program Evaluation; Program Improvement; Case Studies; Learner Engagement; Data Analysis; Academic Achievement; Educational Strategies; School Districts; Evaluators; Classroom Observation Techniques; Likert Scales; Teamwork; Individual Instruction; Classroom Environment; Classroom Techniques; Faculty Development; Educational Change
AbstractIn the past few years researchers have published lists of evidence-based practices that research indicates "should" be in place in programs and supports for students with emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD) (e.g., Farley, Torres, Wailehua, & Cook, 2012; Ryan, Pierce, & Mooney, 2008; Simpson, Peterson, & Smith, 2011). Some of the practices recommended by these authors have included: (1) effective behavior management systems that include clearly stated rules that are consistently monitored and enforced; (2) clear, descriptive feedback to students; (3) proven academic supports including strategies such as cooperative learning, peer tutoring, and self-monitoring; (4) implementation of evidence-based practices; and (5) qualified and committed professionals as the core of an effective program. Although these lists provide some guidance and structure for practicing staff, little has been reported on how to help staff meaningfully translate the content of these lists into everyday practice. In this article, the author details one approach that has not been explored enough in this field: integrating these specific practices into a collaborative, ongoing program evaluation and improvement process. Participatory evaluation (PE) is introduced as an inclusive process within program evaluation to involve frontline staff throughout the evaluation process and allow for more practical and meaningful recommendations to be identified and used for program improvement. Further, "The Participatory Evaluation and Expert Review for Programs Serving Students with EBD" (PEER-EBD) tool is explained as well as the steps in completing the PEER-EBD process. The author concludes with a case study demonstrating one district's journey to program improvement with the PEER-EBD. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCouncil for Children with Behavioral Disorders. Council for Exceptional Children, 1110 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22201-5704. Tel: 612-276-0140; Fax: 612-276-0142; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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