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Autor/inn/enHaydon, Todd; MacSuga-Gage, Ashley S.; Simonsen, Brandi; Hawkins, Renee
TitelOpportunities to Respond: A Key Component of Effective Instruction
QuelleIn: Beyond Behavior, 22 (2012) 1, S.23-31 (9 Seiten)Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Educational Strategies; Student Participation; Classroom Techniques; Classroom Environment; Discussion (Teaching Technique); Questioning Techniques; Educational Opportunities; Instructional Effectiveness; Teaching Methods; Student Reaction
AbstractEffective instruction is a key component of successful classroom management and includes practices that maximize the likelihood of student participation, active responding, and correct responding while minimizing errors. Researchers have established the connection between effective instruction and (a) increases in desired student behaviors, including classroom participation, on-task behavior, and academic performance, and (b) decreases in undesired student behaviors. One effective instructional strategy is providing high rates of opportunities to respond (OTRs). An OTR is an instructional strategy (e.g., asking a yes/no question) that promotes student responding. In general, research has shown that increasing the rates of OTRs in a classroom leads to positive outcomes for students, including increases in desired social behavior, decreases in undesired social behavior, and increases in academic performance. Despite these positive findings, descriptive studies have demonstrated that not all students receive equal chances of OTRs. In particular, students with or at risk for developing emotional or behavioral disorders (EBD) receive fewer OTRs than their peers.(Contains 3 figures.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCouncil for Children with Behavioral Disorders. Council for Exceptional Children, 1110 North Glebe Road, Arlington, VA 22201-5704. Tel: 612-276-0140; Fax: 612-276-0142; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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