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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionFederal Security Agency, US Office of Education (ED)
TitelBiennial Surveys of Education in the United States, 1938-40; 1940-42. In Two Volumes: Volume I
Quelle(1947), (396 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHigher Education; Two Year Colleges; Professional Education; Extension Education; Graduate Study; Accreditation (Institutions); Educational Legislation; State Surveys; Constitutional Law; Public Schools; Educational Administration; Educational Finance; Curriculum; Textbooks; Student Transportation; Attendance; Students with Disabilities; Educational Facilities; Child Health; School Safety; Tenure; Employment Level; Teachers; Teacher Retirement; Private Schools; Adult Education; Vocational Education; Federal Legislation; Urban Schools; Health Services; School Personnel; Tests; Interpersonal Relationship; Health Needs; Health Education; Physical Education; Boards of Education; Library Services; School Libraries; Public Libraries; Foreign Countries; Educational Research
AbstractChapters 1 and 2 of the "Biennial Survey of Education 1938-1940; 1940-1942 Vol. 1" were not published. Chapter 3 covers higher education, including statistics, junior and four-year colleges, professional schools, university and college extension study, graduate instruction, and accreditation issues. Chapter 4 covers education legislation, including state surveys; constitutional changes; state school such as administration, organization, functions, finance, and control; higher education; curriculum; textbooks; school transportation; attendance; handicapped children's education facilities; school children's health and safety protection; teacher tenure and employment; teacher retirement; private schools; adult and vocational education; and federal education laws. Chapter 5 discusses health services in city schools by population, covering administration, personnel, examinations, relationships, and needs; services for teachers and employees; and representative local services. Chapter 6 addresses school hygiene and physical education, including nutrition, ventilation, illumination, sanitation and physical activities, health and safety instruction, physical education across education sectors, health services, physical education and school progress, teacher welfare, and school health programs. Chapter 7 covers city boards of education, including qualifications and selection, member numbers and terms, organization, compensation, and relation to city official and school superintendents. Chapter 8 discusses library services, including general trends and activities, institutional libraries across education sectors, public libraries, special libraries, and the effect of the international situation, i.e. totalitarianism and military expansion. Chapter 9 covers school plant issues, including current situation, trends, and needs. Chapter 10 presents educational research studies of national scope or significance. [For volume II, see ED621969.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenOffice of Education, United States Department of the Interior.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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