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Autor/inAl-Jarf, Reima
TitelIssues in Translating Arabic Om- and Abu-Expressions
Quelle(2017) 3, S.278-284 (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSemitic Languages; Translation; Language Usage; English; Language Patterns; College Students; Foreign Countries; Saudi Arabia
AbstractA corpus of 300 compounds, i.e. expressions containing "Om" and "Abu" in Arabic was collected and analyzed. Translation students were asked to translate a sample of expressions containing "Om" and "Abu" to English. Results showed that although, "Om" and "Abu" in Arabic literally mean "mother" and "father", there are several meanings, usages and contexts. For example, parents are addressed by the name of their first/oldest child. Om and Abu are used in some surnames, names of cities, monuments; birds, insects, fish, animals, plants, diseases and medical conditions, brand names, in metonyms referring to animals, metonyms with general reference, metonyms with religious reference, metonyms with a negative connotation, metonyms with a positive connotation, and in describing physical appearance. They can mean "origin" or "best example." They are used in collocations and idioms and in technical expression. Furthermore, translation test results showed that students translated less than 20% correctly. Those were Arabic expressions and their English equivalents that are similar such as "mother of invention", and "father of medicine". Many items were left blank, and literal translation was the major strategy. Since in most expressions, there is no one-to-one correspondence between Arabic expressions and their English equivalents, implications for translation pedagogy and practice will be given such as taking into consideration the connotative and idiomatic meaning, non-literal translation of names of birds, animals, fish, plants, diseases; explanatory equivalents in transferring the meaning of metonyms; and transliteration of most proper nouns. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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