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Autor/inn/enAnam, Saeful; Degeng, I. Nyoman Sudana; Murtadho, Nurul; Kuswandi, Dedi
TitelThe Moral Education and Internalization of Humanitarian Values in "Pesantren"
Quelle7 (2019) 4, S.815-834 (20 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Anam, Saeful)
ORCID (Degeng, I. Nyoman Sudana)
ORCID (Murtadho, Nurul)
ORCID (Kuswandi, Dedi)
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEthical Instruction; Islam; Boarding Schools; Values Education; Moral Values; Case Studies; Learning Processes; Civil Rights; Teaching Methods; Prosocial Behavior; Cultural Differences; Cultural Pluralism; Foreign Countries; Indonesia
AbstractThis article aims to explain the existence of Islamic boarding schools ("pesantren") in efforts to instill and develop character in students ("santri"). This is also the basis that "pesantren" is an alternative education for the advancement of the nation's civilization. In this qualitative case study, we examine a "pesantren" in the practice of learning that emphasizes the character learning to foster human values. Data were taken using direct observation techniques and interviews with informants, namely three "kiai," five teachers and seven students ("santri"). The results of the research showed that: (1) "pesantren" are educational institutions that are very effective in developing the character in students ("santri") especially on human values, which ensure the unity of the nation; (2) this research gives evidence that "pesantren" in Indonesia are friendly Islamic educational institutions that uphold human rights, are democratic, pluralist, and tolerant of differences (language, culture, ethnicity and religion). It becomes important to be known by people worldwide to uphold world peace. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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