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Autor/inPorter, Anne Marie
InstitutionAmerican Institute of Physics, Statistical Research Center
TitelPhysics PhDs Ten Years Later: Success Factors and Barriers in Career Paths. Results from the PhD Plus 10 Study
Quelle(2019), (36 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCareer Development; Physics; Doctoral Degrees; Barriers; College Faculty; Private Sector; Government Employees; Gender Differences; Comparative Analysis; Work Experience; Employment; Success; Social Influences; Family Work Relationship; Work Environment; Interpersonal Competence; Problem Solving; Work Ethic; Mentors; Peer Relationship; Educational Experience; Educational Background; Social Support Groups; Achievement Need; Organizational Culture; Networks; Personality Traits; Scientists
AbstractUsing data from the 2011 PhD Plus 10 Study of mid-career physics PhD recipients, researchers explored the supporting factors and barriers to success experienced by PhD physicists throughout their careers. The study examined the career experiences of respondents working in three different sectors (academia, government, and the private sector) and compared experiences between men and women. This report presents the data in two sections: (1) Career Success Factors and (2) Career Barriers. PhD physicists in mid-career have encountered a wide range of experiences that have helped or hindered their success during the past 10-15 years of their careers. Their experiences reveal that personal, social, organizational, and societal factors all play roles in professional careers, and the impact of these factors depends on whether one pursues a career in the private sector, academia, or government. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenAIP Statistical Research Center .One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740. Tel: 301-209-3100; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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