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Autor/inn/enKorucu, Agah Tugrul; Alkan, Ayse
TitelDifferences between M-Learning (Mobile Learning) and E-Learning, Basic Terminology and Usage of M-Learning in Education
Quelle15 (2011), S.1925-1930 (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterDifferences; Electronic Learning; Foreign Countries; Distance Education; Handheld Devices; Computer Uses in Education; Internet; Access to Information; Educational Technology; Telecommunications; Turkey
AbstractThe need for usage of technologies which removes the boundaries of time and location increases day by day today when information and accession to information gains importance. Effect of mobile learning to education is an issue to be researched in order to provide lifelong learning. The fact that mobile devices are small and they have got with a lot of features despite their size increases interest for them. This increasing interest requires more study on these devices or causes the usage of these devices in more fields. The feature of mobile devices that enable educational atmosphere encourages individuals for their usage. Besides, it enables an educator who shares the information to contact more students independent of time and location with the usage of mobile devices in education. Mobile learning is explained in a detailed way in this study. Besides, the relation and differences between m-learning and e-learning are put forth with their details. On some important issues such as internet accession and usage status in Turkey, technological devices used in mobile learning and communication technologies are also studied. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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