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Autor/inn/enFuchs, Lynn S.; Fuchs, Douglas; Gilbert, Jennifer K.
TitelDoes the Severity of Students' Pre-Intervention Math Deficits Affect Responsiveness to Generally Effective First-Grade Intervention?
Quelle85 (2019) 2, S.147-162 (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterElementary School Mathematics; Elementary School Students; Grade 1; Mathematics Skills; Learning Disabilities; Severity (of Disability); Intervention; Outcomes of Education; At Risk Students; Mathematics Achievement; Arithmetic; Student Improvement
AbstractThe purpose of this analysis was to assess whether effects of 1st-grade mathematics intervention apply across the range of at-risk learners' initial skill levels. Students were randomly assigned to control (n=213) and 2 variants of intervention (n=385) designed to improve arithmetic. Of each 30-minute intervention session (48 over 16 weeks), 25 minutes were identical in the 2 variants, focused on number knowledge that provides the conceptual bases for arithmetic. The other 5 minutes provided non-speeded conceptual practice (n=196) or speeded strategic practice (n=199). Contrasts tested effects of intervention (combined across variants) versus control and effects between the variants. Moderation analysis indicated no significant interactions between at-risk children's pre-intervention mathematics skill and either contrast on any outcome. Across pre-intervention math skill, effects favored intervention over control on arithmetic and transfer to double-digit calculations and number knowledge and favored speeded over nonspeeded practice on arithmetic. [This article was published in "Exceptional Children" (EJ1202496).] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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