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Autor/inSoiferman, L. Karen
TitelCommentary on Interpreting University Instructors' Writing Prompts: How Students' Struggle with Understanding Post-Secondary Assignments
Quelle(2018), (23 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Faculty; Writing Instruction; Writing Assignments; Prompting; Cues; College Students; Essays; Research Papers (Students); Teacher Expectations of Students; Comprehension; Grading; Guidelines; Scoring Rubrics; Grammar; Grade Inflation
AbstractThe purpose of this article was to look at some of the issues students have with reading and interpreting their instructors' post-secondary writing prompts. Every student, who attends a post-secondary institution, will at some point in their university/college career be asked to submit a writing assignment of some kind. The most common assignment in post-secondary institutions remains the research essay. The first problem, with these assignments, arises due to the name of the assignment. Some instructors call it an argumentative essay, some call it a persuasive essay, some call it an explanatory essay, and some call it a research paper. In most cases the instructors expect the same assignment despite the different names. They expect a research paper incorporating evidence using direct quotes, paraphrases, or summaries of the information found in journals or books. One of the problems with these types of assignments is that the students' often do not understand what they are meant to do because they do not understand the writing prompts provided by their instructors. Instructors may think that their prompts are crystal clear but students may think otherwise. This article looks at the problems that occur when instructors and students are not in sync with each other. This mismatch often leads to papers that are not what the instructor intended and thus students do not get the grade they expected through no fault of their own. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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