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Autor/inn/enSawyer, Brook; Atkins-Burnett, Sally; Sandilos, Lia; Hammer, Carol Scheffner; Lopez, Lisa; Blair, Clancy
TitelVariations in Classroom Language Environments of Preschool Children Who Are Low Income and Linguistically Diverse
Quelle(2017), (20 Seiten)
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ZusatzinformationORCID (Sawyer, Brook)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterInteraction; Low Income Groups; Student Diversity; Language Usage; Bilingual Students; English Language Learners; Language Proficiency; Observation; Early Childhood Education; Preschool Children; Monolingualism; Spanish Speaking; Teacher Behavior; Evidence Based Practice; Interpersonal Communication; Peer Relationship; Teacher Student Relationship; Classroom Environment; Faculty Development; Teacher Role; At Risk Students; Family Environment
AbstractResearch Findings: This study aimed to (a) provide an in-depth description of the frequency and type of language interactions that children who are low income and/or dual language learners (DLLs) experience in their classrooms and (b) examine whether differences exist in children's language experiences based on children's DLL status and level of English proficiency. Using the Language Interaction Snapshot, we observed 4 focal children in each of 72 early childhood classrooms: 1 monolingual English-speaking child (i.e., non-DLL), 1 Spanish-dominant DLL child, and 2 bilingual Spanish-English DLL children. Findings indicated that both lead and assistant teachers predominantly spoke in English and implemented few evidence-based language practices. Children spoke more often to peers than to teachers. Little variation was noted in the quality of the language environment for children based on their DLL status or language proficiency. Practice or Policy: Results suggest clear directions for professional development (PD). PD must include both lead and assistant teachers and should focus on evidence-based language strategies for facilitating children's language development, including how to effectively teach DLLs. Teachers may also benefit from PD that supports the use of small-group activity and peer strategies. [At time of submission to ERIC, this article was in press with "Early Education and Development."] (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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