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Autor/inn/enSchonfeld, Irvin Sam; Bianchi, Renzo
TitelBurnout and Depression: Two Entities or One?
Quelle72 (2016) 1, S.22-37 (16 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterPublic School Teachers; Teacher Burnout; Depression (Psychology); Measures (Individuals); Anxiety; Fatigue (Biology); Symptoms (Individual Disorders); Stress Variables; Correlation; Comorbidity; Arkansas; California; Idaho; Indiana; Maine; Massachusetts; Minnesota; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New York; Ohio; Rhode Island; Washington; Wyoming
AbstractObjectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the overlap in burnout and depression. Method: The sample comprised 1,386 schoolteachers (mean [M][subscript age] = 43; M[subscript years taught] = 15; 77% women) from 18 different U.S. states. We assessed burnout, using the Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure, and depression, using the depression module of the Patient Health Questionnaire. Results: Treated dimensionally, burnout and depressive symptoms were strongly correlated (0.77; disattenuated correlation, 0.84). Burnout and depressive symptoms were similarly correlated with each of 3 stress-related factors, stressful life events, job adversity, and workplace support. In categorical analyses, 86% of the teachers identified as burned out met criteria for a provisional diagnosis of depression. Exploratory analyses revealed a link between burnout and anxiety. Conclusions: This study provides evidence that past research has underestimated burnout-depression overlap. The state of burnout is likely to be a form of depression. Given the magnitude of burnout-depression overlap, treatments for depression may help workers identified as "burned out." (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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