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Autor/inKnight, Jim
InstitutionNational Professional Resources, Inc.
TitelHigh Impact Instruction
Quelle(2013), (370 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Faculty Handbooks; Academic Achievement; Educational Strategies; Educational Planning; Curriculum Development; Questioning Techniques; Cognitive Mapping; Formative Evaluation; Educational Practices; Prompting; Assignments; Experiential Learning; Well Being; Creativity; Teacher Expectations of Students; Check Lists; Classroom Observation Techniques; Information Sources; Coaching (Performance); Educational Improvement
AbstractThe key to improving student achievement isn't more teacher time--it's more teacher impact. But how do you decide which instructional practices will deliver the most bang for your buck? In this handbook, written for teachers but suitable for use by principals and instructional coaches, best-selling author Jim Knight presents the high-leverage strategies that make the biggest difference in student learning. This is no one-size-fits-all to-do list for the classroom--it's a simple and flexible framework you can customize to fit your working style and students' needs. Grounded in more than a decade of work with instructional coaches, this revolutionary book focuses on the three areas of high-impact instruction: (1) Content planning, including using guiding questions, learning maps, and formative assessment; (2) Instructional practices such as the use of thinking prompts, effective questions, challenging assignments, and experiential learning; and (3) Community building, in which you shape a classroom culture that promotes well-being, creativity, learning, and high expectations. This accessible road map for professional learning empowers and supports you in making changes to your practice with practical tools, including: (1) Checklists, numerous observation tools, and recommended resources for further reading; (2) Online videos that focus on implementation of high-leverage instructional practices; (3) Ways that students, teachers, instructional coaches, and principals can support implementation of the practices; and (4) Suggestions for using the book and videos in coaching and school improvement efforts When it comes to teaching, little changes can make a big difference. With High-Impact Instruction, you have a rich toolkit for improving your own practice and promoting great teaching every day in every class (As Provided).
AnmerkungenNational Professional Resources, Inc. 25 South Regent Street, Port Chester, NY 10573. Tel: 800-453-7461; Tel: 914-937-8879; Fax: 914-937-9327; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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