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Autor/inn/enSommo, Colleen; Boynton, Melissa; Collado, Herbert; Diamond, John; Gardenhire, Alissa; Ratledge, Alyssa; Rudd, Timothy; Weiss, Michael J.
TitelMapping Success: Performance-Based Scholarships, Student Services, and Developmental Math at Hillsborough Community College
Quelle(2014), (135 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCommunity Colleges; Remedial Mathematics; Scholarships; Two Year College Students; Low Income Groups; Performance; Demonstration Programs; Program Effectiveness; Cost Effectiveness; Florida
AbstractIn 2010, Hillsborough Community College (HCC), a large multicampus institution in Tampa, Florida, worked with MDRC to create the Mathematics Access Performance Scholarship (MAPS) program to help academically underprepared community college students succeed in developmental math. MAPS provides an incentive for low-income students referred to developmental math to take their math courses early and consecutively, get help with math in an on-campus Math Lab, and strive for passing grades or better, in exchange for a modest scholarship contingent on performance. MAPS is part of the national Performance-Based Scholarship (PBS) Demonstration, which is testing performance-based scholarships with varying student populations and program requirements. MAPS offered eligible students the opportunity to earn a performance-based scholarship of up to $1,800 ($600 per semester for three semesters) for successfully completing a three-course sequence--comprising Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, and a first-level college math course--within a period of three consecutive semesters plus a summer term. MAPS is the only program in the PBS Demonstration that provides an incentive for a specified course sequence. MDRC used a random assignment design to study the effects of MAPS compared with HCC's standard services. Academic outcomes were tracked for all sample members for two years. The findings at HCC, like those across the PBS Demonstration, are modest but positive: (1) More than 90 percent of program group students earned a MAPS award in the first semester, but scholarship receipt rates declined in the second and third semesters; (2) MAPS students were much more likely to visit a Math Lab than control group students; (3) MAPS helped move students further along in the math course sequence, and MAPS students also accumulated more credits overall -- in part because of their greater progress in math; and (4) The program had no discernible impact on students' retention. Appendices include: (1) Selected Baseline Characteristics, by Research Group; (2) Survey Response Analysis; (3) Impact Tables; and (4) Key Cost Terms. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenMDRC. 16 East 34th Street 19th Floor, New York, NY 10016-4326. Tel: 212-532-3200; Fax: 212-684-0832; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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