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Autor/inn/enAbdelhafez, Hanan A.; Abdallah, Mahmoud M. S.
TitelMaking It "Authentic": Egyptian EFL Student Teachers' Awareness and Use of Online Authentic Language Materials and Their Learning Motivation
Quelle1 (2015) 1, (55 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; English (Second Language); Second Language Instruction; Instructional Materials; Relevance (Education); Learning Motivation; Preservice Teachers; Student Needs; Second Language Learning; Electronic Learning; Mixed Methods Research; Semi Structured Interviews; Questionnaires; Egypt
AbstractThis paper reports a research study that sought investigating Assiut University College of Education (AUCOE) EFL student teachers' awareness and use of online authentic materials on the basis of their actual language leaning needs, and how this relates to their language learning motivation. To accomplish this, a mixed-method research methodology was employed for data collection and analysis to provide both contextual understanding and quantitative evidence. In particular, the following tools were used: (1) a semi-structured interview (a qualitative method) for identifying the particular language-learning needs of EFL student teachers at AUCOE and compiling a list of those needs; (2) a qualitative analysis of some online language materials based on the compiled list of needs to identify the authentic materials that can be used to meet EFL student teachers' language learning needs; (3) a questionnaire administered to EFL student teachers to investigate their awareness and use of online authentic language materials; and (4) a questionnaire administered to EFL student teachers to identify their language learning motivation level. Results reached a list of EFL student teachers' language learning needs, and a subsequent list of those authentic language materials available online which would meet those needs. Also, analysis of learners' responses to the Online Authentic Language Learning Questionnaire revealed that learners were aware of online authentic materials and use them frequently in their language study. Moreover, Pearson's Product Moment indicated a positive relationship between EFL student teachers' awareness and use of online authentic materials and their language learning motivation. (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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