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Autor/inn/enMeyer, Cassandra; Bhatt, Monica; Wraight, Sara; Behrstock, Ellen; Cushing, Ellen
InstitutionRegional Educational Laboratory Midwest (ED)
TitelState Policies on Human Capital Resource Management: Michigan. Human Capital Resource Management Technical Brief
Quelle(2010), (28 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Human Capital; Public Policy; State Legislation; Teachers; Principals; Administrators; Preservice Teacher Education; Administrator Education; Teacher Certification; Teacher Recruitment; Beginning Teacher Induction; Staff Orientation; Faculty Development; Professional Development; Compensation (Remuneration); Work Environment; Teaching Conditions; Elementary Secondary Education; Michigan
AbstractTraining, recruiting, developing, and supporting talented and effective educators throughout their careers is known as human capital resource management (HCRM) in education. HCRM has been identified in recent literature as one of the ways in which districts and states may increase school effectiveness and improve student learning (Heneman & Milanowski, 2004; Odden & Kelly, 2008; Wurtzel & Curtis, 2008). Often, however, HCRM policies are designed piecemeal, lacking alignment and cohesion (Odden & Kelly, 2008). This technical brief identified and briefly summarized all policies in the state of Michigan found in this study that relate to four main HCRM areas--preparation and licensure, recruitment, induction and professional development, and compensation and working conditions. In addition, the brief presented the extent to which specific policies affect more than one HCRM area. These descriptions of HCRM policies in Michigan provide a snapshot of state-level policies available to support the training, recruitment, and development of educators. For state policymakers in Michigan, this brief can serve as a starting point for examining existing state policy in the four areas in order to inform future policy development. For state policymakers outside Michigan, this brief provides insight on some state-level options that currently exist for supporting strategic human resource management in education. Further areas of inquiry that build on this descriptive study may include examining the effectiveness of these state policies, the alignment of these policies within the state, and the comparison of these attributes between states. Details on Method are appended. (Contains 17 tables, 3 technical notes and 1 footnote.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenRegional Educational Laboratory Midwest. Available from: Learning Point Associates. 1120 East Diehl Road Suite 200, Naperville, IL 60563. Tel: 866-730-6735; Fax: 630-649-6700; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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