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Autor/inn/enBaleghizadeh, Sasan; Derakhshesh, Ali
TitelThe Effect of Task Repetition and Noticing on EFL Learners' Oral Output
Quelle5 (2012) 1, S.141-152 (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterEnglish (Second Language); Second Language Instruction; Second Language Learning; Teaching Methods; Oral Language; Grammar; Communicative Competence (Languages); Foreign Countries; Student Attitudes; Error Correction; Comparative Analysis; Task Analysis; Adult Students; Linguistic Theory; Iran
AbstractTeaching grammar is still a topic of heated debate in second/foreign language teaching. One major approach to teaching grammar holds that the learners should receive reactive focus on form in the context of communicative language teaching. The present study is an attempt to examine the effect of task repetition along with reactive focus on form on learners' subsequent accurate output. To achieve this end, four Iranian intermediate EFL students participated in this study by volunteering to present lectures while their voices were being recorded. After transcribing their voices at home, the participants corrected their mistakes and submitted the draft to their teacher for additional corrections. The revised draft was returned to the participants to prepare themselves for a second oral presentation. The comparison of the number of erroneous utterances made in the first and the second presentations confirmed the positive effect of task repetition on the participants' more accurate second oral performance. (Contains 4 tables.) (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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