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Autor/inn/enPhelan, Julia; Vendlinski, Terry; Choi, Kilchan; Dai, Yunyun; Herman, Joan; Baker, Eva L.
InstitutionNational Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing; University of California, Los Angeles, Center for the Study of Evaluation
TitelThe Development and Impact of POWERSOURCE[c]: Year 5. CRESST Report 792
Quelle(2011), (254 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Computer Software; Intervention; Formative Evaluation; Mathematics Curriculum; Program Evaluation; Pretests Posttests; Mathematics Achievement; Item Analysis; Scores; Grade 6; Grade 7; Grade 8
AbstractThe POWERSOURCE[c] intervention is intended as a generalizable and powerful formative assessment strategy that can be integrated with any mathematics curriculum. POWERSOURCE[c] includes both a system of learning-based assessments and an infrastructure to support teachers' use of those assessments to improve student learning. The core undertaking of our work during the 2008-09 school year was to continue with an extended, random assignment implementation study of the POWERSOURCE[c] program. Results from our analyses indicated that a short amount of targeted intervention on key mathematical principles had a positive impact on student performance on transfer measures of related content. The POWERSOURCE[c] intervention had more impact on the relatively higher-performing students than the lower-performing students; that is, those students with higher initial pretest scores tended to benefit more from the treatment when compared to students with lower pretest scores. Appendices include: (1) CFA [confirmatory factor analysis] Result of PS Grade 6 Pretest; (2) CFA Result of PS Grade 6 Interim Measure; (3) CFA Result of PS Grade 6 Transfer Measure; (4) CFA Results of PS Grade 7 Pretest; (5) CFA Result of PS Grade 7 Transfer Measure; (6) Item Analysis Results of PS Grade 6 Pretest; (7) Item Analysis Results of PS Grade 7 Pretest; (8) Sources of Transfer Measure Items; (9) Alignment of CA [California] Standards and NCTM; (10) Item Analysis Results of PS Grade 6 Posttest; (11) Grade 7 Transfer Measure 2008/2009; (12) Item Analysis Results of PS Grade 7 Posttest; (13) Grade 6 Transfer Measure 2008/2009; (14) Item Analysis Results of PS Grade 6 Intertest; (15) Descriptive Statistics by Content Domain; (16) Additional Descriptive Statistics for Grades 6 and 7; (17) Complete Statistical Model Used; (18) Estimates for Fixed Effects and the Variance; (19) Subdomain HLM Analysis Results for Grade 7; (20) Fixed Effects and the Variance Components in the Model, Grade 6; (21) Subdomains as an Outcome Variable, Grade 6; (22) Interim Measure Estimates of Fixed Effect and the Variance Components; (23) Estimates for Fixed Effects and the Variance Components in the Model, Grade 6 Transfer Measure; (24) Teacher Evaluation of Student Work; (25) Grade 7 Interim Transfer Measure 2009/2010; (26) Grade 7 Transfer Measure, Revised Version; (27) Grade 8 Pretest; and (28) Grade 8 Transfer Measure 2009/2010. (Contains 1 footnote, 29 figures, and 62 tables.) (As Provided).
AnmerkungenNational Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, and Student Testing (CRESST). 300 Charles E Young Drive N, GSE&IS Building 3rd Floor, Mailbox 951522, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1522. Tel: 310-206-1532; Fax: 310-825-3883; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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