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Autor/inLin, Zeng, Gao, Yan-he
TitelA Comparative Study of Refereed Journal Articles Published by Native and Foreign Born Faculty in the United States
Quelle7 (2010) 8, S.78-86 (9 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterProductivity; Higher Education; Universities; Journal Articles; Comparative Analysis; College Faculty; Foreign Nationals; Intellectual Disciplines; Recognition (Achievement); Reputation; Prediction; Periodicals; Research; Talent; Gender Differences; Race; Regression (Statistics); Evaluation Methods; Tenure; Academic Rank (Professional)
AbstractOne of the key features of American hegemonic power is the ability to attract talents from all over the world, especially in those shortage areas of science and technology. To explore what is behind the advanced American higher education system, this research compares native and foreign born faculty using four dimensions: demographics, field of specialty, achievement and institutional prestige to predict the number of refereed journal articles published by the faculty members in the four-year American universities. The study finds that foreign born faculty members outperform native born faculty in terms of research productivity in the light of the four measures used. These results suggest that the strength of American higher education, to a certain extent, is contributed by imported talents. (Contains 4 tables and 1 figure.) (As Provided).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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