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Autor/inn/enJoselowsky, Francine; Thomases, Jean; Yohalem, Nicole
InstitutionForum for Youth Investment
TitelCreating "Good" Schools: Observation and Discussion Tool Helping Young People and Adults Have Conversations about What Makes a "Good' Youth-Centered School
Quelle(2004), (62 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Change Strategies; Observation; Young Adults; Educational Change; Educational Improvement; Improvement Programs; Guidance Programs; Discussion; School Visitation; Self Evaluation (Groups); Research Tools; Educational Environment; Research Methodology; Program Evaluation
AbstractThis tool was created in order to help young people and adults develop a common language for talking about how to improve schools. The tool provides educators, young people, administrators, policy makers, parents, community members and other stake holders with a common lens for reflecting on their schools and for planning change. It can also be useful in assessing the range of reform models and change strategies underway in a district or school at any given time. This tool can be used in a variety of ways, as presented in seven appendices: (1) Discussion Outline for Youth-Centered Learning Environments; (2) Self Assessment and Self Assessment Discussion Outline; (3) Preparing for a Visit to Another School; (4) Preparing for a Self Assessment of Your Home School; (5) Debriefing the Site Visit; (6) Suggestions for Next Steps; and (7) Observation and Discussion Tool: Abridged. (Contains 21 endnotes.) (ERIC).
AnmerkungenForum for Youth Investment. The Cady-Lee House, 7064 Eastern Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20012-2031. Tel: 202-207-3333; Fax: 202-207-3329; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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