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Autor/inn/enHowe, Roger; Scheaffer, Richard; Lindquist, Mary
InstitutionCouncil of Chief State School Officers, Washington, DC.; Council for Basic Education, Washington, DC.; Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics.
TitelMathematics Framework for the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress
Quelle(2006), (78 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterGrade 4; Mathematical Models; National Competency Tests; Mathematics Instruction; Grade 8; Mathematics Tests; Educational Assessment; Educational Indicators; Educational Development; Item Analysis; Test Items; Difficulty Level; Content Validity; Annual Reports
AbstractThis document contains the framework and a set of recommendations for the NAEP 2007 mathematics assessment, which will assess student achievement nationally and state-by-state, as well as in select urban districts, in grades 4 and 8. It includes descriptions of the mathematical content of the test, the types of test questions, and recommendations for administration of the test. The 2007 mathematics framework focuses on mathematical content and cognitive demand. By considering these two dimensions for each item in the assessment, the framework ensures that NAEP assesses an appropriate balance of content along with a variety of ways of knowing and doing mathematics. The framework describes five mathematics content areas: (1) Number properties and operations; (2) Measurement; (3) Geometry; (4) Data analysis and probability; and (5) Algebra. Certain aspects of mathematics, such as computation, occur in all content areas. A second dimension, mathematical complexity, attempts to focus on the cognitive demands of the assessment question. Mathematical complexity is categorized as low, moderate, or high, and each level of complexity includes aspects of knowing and doing mathematics, such as reasoning, performing procedures, understanding concepts, or solving problems. The levels of complexity form an ordered description of the demands an item may make on a student. Items at the low level of complexity, for example, may ask a student to recall a property. At the moderate level, an item may ask the student to make a connection between two properties; at the high level, an item may ask a student to analyze the assumptions made in a mathematical model. This is an example of the distinctions made in item complexity to provide balance in the assessment. The ordering is not intended to imply that mathematics is learned or should be taught in such an ordered way. The complexity dimension builds on the dimensions of mathematical ability (conceptual understanding, procedural knowledge, and problem solving) and mathematical power (reasoning, connections, and communication) that were used in previous mathematics frameworks. (Contains 1 table.) [For 2005 Mathematics Framework, see ED486473.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenUS Department of Education. Available from: ED Pubs. P.O. Box 1398, Jessup, MD 20794-1398. Tel: 877-433-7827; Fax: 301-470-1244; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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