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Autor/inn/enJennings, Miranda E.; Holcomb, Lori B.; Lima, Clarisse O.; Brown, Scott W.
TitelTeachers' Perception of Their Classroom Technological Resources and the Perceived Feasibility of Implementation of Their Connecticut Teacher Technology Competencies: Level II Proposals
Quelle(2005), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Technology; Technological Literacy; Teacher Competencies; Gender Differences; Teaching Experience; Educational Attainment; Masters Degrees; Doctoral Degrees; Teacher Surveys; Teacher Attitudes; Self Concept; Technology Integration; Connecticut
AbstractThis study investigates the possible relationship between teachers' perception of their classroom technological resources and the perceived feasibility of implementation of their Connecticut Teacher Technology Competencies (2001) Level II (LII) proposals. The impact of gender, years of teaching experience, and level of education were evaluated using a two-way contingency table analysis. Incomplete survey responses were excluded from the analysis. A greater percentage of individuals with graduate degrees felt that their technology equipment was insufficient when compared to those with non-graduate degrees. Also, a greater percentage of individuals with non-graduate degrees felt that they could use the equipment they had when compared to those with graduate degrees. Years of teaching experience did not appear to have a directional impact on self-perception of ability to implement technology, although the two are related. The lack of findings related to gender are perhaps reflective of a skewed self-reported sample with a disproportionately high number of females (n=88) compared to males (n=25). Limitations of this study are the nature of self-reported multiple choice questions that ask the participant to predict their future technology implementation. Further research is needed to observe the actual implementation of the LII technology proposals as they are implemented in classrooms. The following are appended: (1) Level II procedure; (2) Content Survey; (3) Context Survey; and (4) Exit Survey. (Contains 6 tables.) [Funding for this project was provided by the Teachers for a New Era Project at the University of Connecticut.] (Author).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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