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Autor/inn/enHannula, Markku S.; Maijala, Hanna; Pehkonen, Erkki
TitelDevelopment of Understanding and Self-Confidence in Mathematics; Grades 5-8
[Konferenzbericht] 28th, Bergen, Norway, July 14-18, 2004.
Quelle(2004), (8 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterSelf Esteem; Comprehension; Mathematics Education; Mathematical Concepts; Student Attitudes; Longitudinal Studies; Grade 5; Grade 7; Grade 8; Grade 6; Age Differences; Gender Differences; Foreign Countries; Finland
AbstractThis paper presents some preliminary results of the longitudinal aspect of a research project on self-confidence and understanding in mathematics. We have collected a survey data of 3057 fifth-graders and seventh-graders and a follow-up data of ten classes (191 pupils) one and a half years later. The longitudinal data indicates that the learning of mathematics is influenced by a pupil's mathematics-related beliefs, especially self-confidence. Pupils' level of understanding fractions also influences their developing understanding of infinity. These relationships between different variables depend also on pupils' gender and age. [For complete proceedings, see: ED489538.] (Author).
AnmerkungenInternational Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 35 Aandwind Street, Kirstenhof, Cape Town, 7945, South Africa. Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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