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Autor/inCohen, Arthur M.
TitelThe Community Colleges and the Path to the Baccalaureate.
Quelle(2003), (25 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAccess to Education; Bachelors Degrees; College Role; College Transfer Students; Community Colleges; Degrees (Academic); Transfer Rates (College); Two Year College Students; Two Year Colleges
AbstractThis paper discusses several aspects of the community college role in providing access to further studies: ways of calculating transfer rates and estimates of the number of students making the transition, incentives for and inhibitors of student transfer as reflected in state policy and institutional practice, and a look to the future of community college transfer. The paper focuses primarily on California, which boasts the largest community college and public university enrollment numbers. The author reviews the various definitions of what constitutes college transfer, and how transfer rates are determined. The phrasing of a research question is key. When students in degree-credit classes are asked their primary reason for attending community college, approximately one-third claim to be bachelor's degree aspirants. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reported that 42% of first-year community college students entering school in 1995 aspired to a bachelor's degree. But a subsequent NCES report indicated that, when asked what was the highest level of education they ever hoped to achieve, 71% indicated "bachelor's degree or higher." The paper also refers to a 1994-95 study (Cohen and Brawer, 1996) that analyzes why transfer rates vary by examining proximity to four-year colleges, internal and external forces, and importance of institutional characteristics.(Contains 14 references.) (NB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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