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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


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Sonst. PersonenShore, Sue (Hrsg.); Trenerry, Ruth (Hrsg.); Coombe, Melanie (Hrsg.)
TitelDoing Literacy, Doing Literacy Research: Researching Practice in Adult Literacy Settings.
Quelle(2001), (119 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Battered Women; Community Education; Community Services; Creative Writing; Educational Research; Family Violence; Literacy Education; Mentors; Numeracy; Research Projects; Social Capital; Teacher Researchers; Training; Womens Education; Australia
AbstractThis publication presents reports on four small-scale research projects conducted by educators that helped them explore ways of "doing literacy" and "doing literacy research." Focus of the projects was to learn more about how to do research by completing a work-based project related to literacy. "Teaching and Researching in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Programs: An Introduction" (Sue Shore) provides overviews of the four reports and an account of the research training available to researchers. "The Curriculum Practices of Adult Community Education Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Providers in South Australia" (Jan Peterson) describes how the author worked with community literacy educators in neighborhood houses to explore their curriculum practices and derive a clearer understanding of the characteristics of the "community curriculum." It argues that development of social capital is a major outcome of literacy programs in community contexts. "Women Experiencing Domestic Violence: An Investigation into Their Needs for Literacy Services" (Jane Gunn) reports on research into how domestic violence service providers recognize and support the literacy needs of women who experience domestic violence. "Feminist Approaches to the Women's Education Program in South Australian Technical and Further Education Institutes: Parallels with Adult Literacy Pedagogies" (Jo Martin) considers research into the feminist and literacy pedagogies of the Women's Education Program and how these pedagogical practices "fit" with literacy learning. "Women at Play: Finding Their Voices Through Writing for Performance" (Liz Campbell) explores the question of whether teaching women to write dramatic monologues can help them with literacy. It tests the theory that the creative writing and literacy skills of the women would gain in quality if they could be persuaded to draw upon their own life experiences as a basis for their creative, imaginative work. "Research and Practice: Unsettling a Troublesome Binary" (Sue Shore) provides a preliminary discussion about a research training and mentoring model of support developed in South Australia for adult literacy practitioner researchers. (Most chapters included substantial bibliographies.)(YLB)
AnmerkungenLanguage Australia, GPO Box 372F Melbourne, Victoria 3001, Australia ($12 Australian). Tel: 61 3 9926 4794; Fax: 61 3 9926 4780; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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