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Autor/inShechtman, Zipora
TitelAggression and Classroom Climate: Relations and Applications.
Quelle(2002), (26 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAggression; Behavior Problems; Classroom Environment; Coping; Foreign Countries; Intermediate Grades; Peer Relationship; Predictor Variables; Social Environment; Student Behavior; Teacher Student Relationship; Israel
AbstractOne of the best predictors of aggression among schoolchildren is their social environment and relationships with peer and teachers. This study investigated the association between classroom climate and level of classroom aggression. The study population comprised over 9,000 fifth and sixth graders in 97 schools and 360 classrooms in Israel. It was hypothesized that a positive climate, including the dimensions of Relationships, Personal Development and System Maintenance, would relate negatively to aggression in the class and positively to teacher coping with such aggression. Results of the hierarchical regression indicated that aggression was negatively related to Relationships and Personal Development, but not to System Maintenance. All three climate dimensions were positively related to teacher coping. A positive relation was also found between aggression and low SES, boys, and younger children. The discussion stresses the importance of developing positive relationships in the classroom, particularly in regard to milder forms of aggression. (Contains 48 references and 2 tables.) (Author/GCP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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