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Autor/inKraft, Nancy P.
TitelCritical Characteristics of Successful After-School Programs: An Evaluation of the 21st Century Initiative.
Quelle(2001), (36 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Academic Achievement; After School Programs; Behavioral Objectives; Educational Change; Educational Improvement; Elementary Education; Parent School Relationship; Public Schools; School Effectiveness; Social Values
AbstractWith the recent U.S. Department of Education's 21st Century Initiative there has been a proliferation of after-school programs emerging in rural, suburban, and urban school communities across the country. Although these programs are financially supported through the federal government, the grants are only funded for a 3-year period. Given the short duration of the federal support for these programs and the fact that education innovations generally take time to become established and well-running programs, this research sheds light on what variables are needed for successful after-school programs. The document reports the results of an evaluation that was conducted on five after-school programs in northeastern Kansas. Its purpose was to present a context and a composite picture of the after-school program, to establish baseline data against which the programs can be evaluated over the course of the 3-year project, to identify best practices and characteristics of quality after-school programs in the region, to facilitate a continuous monitoring of the program and suggest areas where improvements might be made to enhance program quality, and to determine the impact the program had on participants and to what degree program objectives had been realized. (Contains 16 references and 22 endnotes.) (DFR)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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