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Autor/inDonahue, Michael J.
TitelReligious Orientation and Development amongst Adventist Youth.
Quelle(2001), (10 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAt Risk Persons; Attitude Measures; Behavior Rating Scales; Beliefs; Drinking; Influences; Intermediate Grades; Marijuana; Religious Differences; Secondary School Students; Secondary Schools; Self Motivation; Sex Differences; Student Behavior; Student Surveys; Tobacco; Violence
AbstractA questionnaire was administered to all 6th to 12th grade students attending Seventh-Day Adventist schools in North America. The questionnaire included the Age-Universal Intrinsic-Extrinsic Scale; the Faith Maturity Scale; an 18-item Adventist orthodoxy scale; and scales measuring the frequency of use of alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco, and of shoplifting, fighting, and getting into trouble at schools. There was little variance across grades in the intrinsic (I), extrinsic (E), faith maturity, or orthodoxy scores, in the latter case largely due to ceiling effects. The I-E correlation began as positive for boys, but declined to 0, and then was -0.14 by 12th grade. For girls, the correlation was negative throughout, ranging from -0.06 in the 6th grade to -0.26 in 12th. When correlated with the at-risk behaviors, all the I correlations were negative, with girls' correlations stronger than the boys', ranging in the teens and low twenties, and becoming stronger across the 6 years of schooling. This pattern was almost completely reversed for the E correlations, with correlations positive, and higher for boys, but then plummeting near 0 for both boys and girls in the 11th and 12th grades. (Author/JDM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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