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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enBarton, Valerie; Freeman, Barbara; Lewis, Dorothy; Thompson, Tamera
TitelMetacognition: Effects on Reading Comprehension and Reflective Response.
Quelle(2001), (57 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHochschulschrift; Action Research; Elementary Education; Instructional Effectiveness; Metacognition; Reading Comprehension; Reading Strategies; Thinking Skills
AbstractThis report describes a project for increasing student's ability to comprehend and respond in a reflective manner. The targeted population consisted of 2nd, 3rd, and 5th grade classes in a community unit district located in a suburb of a large midwestern city. The problem of a student's inability to comprehend and respond in a reflective manner was documented through Student Thinking Logs, Student Thinking Interviews, and an Informal Reading Thinking Inventory (IRTI). The probable causes included a curriculum that was so full there was little time for focus on reflection, metacognitive strategies that were not specifically taught, students who did not think about or understand their thought processes, and teachers who taught skills in isolation rather than as strategies. Review of literature revealed that metacognitive strategies are not specifically taught, students are suffering from metacognitive deficit, students do not think about thought processes as they read, and there is little time to teach reflection. A review of solutions that was suggested by knowledgeable others offered the following strategies: accessing prior knowledge, self-questioning, story mapping/graphic organizers, sensory imaging, readers theatre, journaling, and buddy reading. Through an analysis of these strategies, sensory imaging and accessing prior knowledge were the chosen interventions. Post-intervention data indicated an increase in student reading comprehension as shown by the IRTI results. An increase of students' understanding and use of metacognitive strategies was demonstrated through Student Thinking Logs and Student Thinking Interviews. Students showed marked improvement in reflective response during class discussion and in Student Thinking Logs. (Contains 27 references and 4 figures of data. Appendixes contain the teacher survey, student interview questions, consent forms, and student thinking log.) (Author/RS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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