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Sonst. PersonenKlein, Hans E. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionWorld Association for Case Method Research and Application, Needham, MA.
TitelComplex Demands on Teaching Require Innovation: Case Method & Other Techniques. Selected Papers of the International Conference on Case Method Research & Application (17th, Budapest, Hungary, July 2-5, 2000).
Quelle(2000), (475 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Accountability; Business Education; Case Method (Teaching Technique); Computer Uses in Education; Discussion (Teaching Technique); Distance Education; Diversity (Student); Educational Innovation; Educational Research; Elementary Secondary Education; Faculty Development; Foreign Countries; Gender Issues; Higher Education; Inservice Teacher Education; Mathematics Education; Mentors; Olympic Games; Partnerships in Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Second Language Instruction; Student Participation; Teaching Methods; Total Quality Management; World Wide Web; Australia; Canada; China; Kuwait; Slovenia; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey
AbstractThis book presents a selection of papers from the annual, international, interdisciplinary conference of the World Association for Case Method Research & Application. Papers are categorized into six areas: (1) "Case Studies and Research" (e.g., subjectivity as a source of insight in case study research, evolution of a teaching case, and preserving the individual case in behavioral research); (2) "Innovative Resources and Case Method Teaching" (e.g., mentoring in the academy, managing diversity in colleges of agriculture, and accountability cases); (3) "Web-based Projects and On-Line Learning" (e.g., teaching and learning online, online instruction via a dynamic roving community, and distance education in business schools); (4) "Case Writing and Use in Various Settings" (e.g., developing gender-based cases, cases from the theory of inverse problems in mathematics, and the power of questions in second language case discussions); (5) "Various Case Method Applications" (e.g., total quality management in education, options for describing individuals in cases, and making simple but effective presentations); and (6) "International Case Studies" (e.g., the event as a case study, better preparation for case discussion using Internet tools, and accounting for intangible assets in partnerships). (SM)
AnmerkungenWorld Association for Case Method Research & Application, 23 Mackintosh Avenue, Needham, MA 02492-1218 ($55). Tel: 781-444-8982; Fax: 781-444-1548; E-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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