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Autor/inn/enMergendoller, John R.; Moriarty, Kevin
InstitutionIdaho Governor's Office, Boise.; Beryl Buck Inst. for Education, Novato, CA.
TitelAn Analysis of the Progress of the Idaho Educational Technology Initiative in Meeting Goals Established by the Idaho Council for Technology in Learning.
Quelle(1999), (149 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterComputer Uses in Education; Educational Development; Educational Finance; Educational Objectives; Educational Technology; Elementary Secondary Education; Public Schools; School Districts; State Aid; State Programs; Idaho
AbstractOver the past five and one-half years, the Idaho Educational Technology Initiative has distributed 56 million dollars to Idaho public schools. This report reviews the progress made toward accomplishing goals established by the Idaho Council on Technology in Learning (ICTL). It is based on data collected during visits to 36 schools in 16 school districts, and the review of 48 technology research and evaluation studies conducted in Idaho schools. The report consists of four chapters. Chapter 1, "Funding the Idaho Educational Technology Initiative," chronicles the expenditures made from the start of the Initiative. Chapter 2, "A Review of Research and Evaluation Studies Focusing on Technology Integration in Idaho Schools," assesses the quality and reports on the findings of recent technology research conducted in Idaho. Chapter 3, "ICTL Goals and Experience of Idaho Educators: A Report on Site Visits to 16 Idaho School Districts," discusses observations of how Idaho educators are implementing the Initiative's goals. Chapter 4, "Assessing the Impact of Educational Technology: Recommendations for Future Evaluations," describes two evaluation models that could provide useful information to both educators and policy-makers. Seven tables and figures are included. An appendix contains 47 report summaries for the schools researched. (AEF)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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