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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/envan der Veen, Jan; van Riemsdijk, Maarten; Laagland, Eelco; Gommer, Lisa; Jones, Val
TitelWeb-Support for Activating Use of Theory in Group-Based Learning.
Quelle(2000), (7 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBusiness Administration Education; Cooperative Learning; Foreign Countries; Group Instruction; Higher Education; Instructional Design; Organizational Theories; Tables (Data); Theory Practice Relationship; Web Based Instruction; World Wide Web
AbstractThis paper describes a series of experiments conducted within the context of a course on organizational theory that is taught at the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Twente (Netherlands). In 1997, a group-based learning approach was adopted, but after the first year it was apparent that acquisition and application of theory by student groups was inadequate. In an attempt to remedy this problem, a World Wide Web-based collaborative work environment was introduced in 1998 with the intention of encouraging students to read relevant theoretical material and to reflect more on what they had read. In addition to hosting a theory repository, the collaborative work environment was designed to control the flow of work and to enforce rules for groups' access to the output of other groups, based on their own performance. Further changes were made, and a third edition of the course was run and evaluated in 1999. A description of the educational setting and the Web-based theory repository is presented. The evaluation results over the period 1997-99 are presented and discussed. The extent to which the discipline of reading improved was evaluated, as were the effects on insight into theory. It turns out that the technical realization works well. Uptake of the instructional tasks for reflection, however, only takes place if these tasks are perceived as being helpful. (Author)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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