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Autor/inn/enEckel, Peter; Hill, Barbara; Green, Madeleine
InstitutionAmerican Council on Education, Washington, DC.
TitelEn Route to Transformation. On Change: An Occasional Paper Series of the ACE Project on Leadership and Institutional Transformation.
Quelle(1998), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Change Strategies; Definitions; Educational Change; Higher Education; Leadership; Long Range Planning; Organizational Development; Strategic Planning
AbstractThis paper explores transformation and change in American higher education. It begins by examining the debate over the type of change needed in higher education from the radical change suggested by some as necessary for survival to concepts of continual improvement urged by others. A definition of transformational change is offered which differentiates it from other types of institutional change. This definition focuses on changes in institutional culture, the deep and pervasive nature of transformational change, its intentional nature, and its development over time. The paper then examines the experiences of 26 colleges and universities in the American Council on Education (ACE) Project on Leadership and Institutional Transformation by speculating on whether transformation is likely to occur, and by framing relevant questions. It finds that only a few institutions are planning change agendas that exemplify the definition of transformational change, and that, on most campuses, neither leaders nor constituents see a current need for deep or pervasive change. Institutions' change initiatives center on the following ongoing issues: putting learning first, connecting institutions to their communities, and making higher education more cost effective and affordable. A brief description of the ACE project and a list of participating institutions are attached. (Contains 10 references.) (DB)
AnmerkungenAmerican Council on Education Fulfillment Services, Department 191, Washington, DC 20055-0191 ($5).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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